August 2015
Sherlock Holmes and The Ripper Murders - Review
28/08/15 16:47 Filed in: Family | Writing and Books

I love Buxton and I love Buxton Opera House. A group of ten of us heading off to the theatre meant that we were geared and ready for a good night out (although it was a little disappointing that we didn’t quite fill a whole row!) I also love mysteries and I particularly love Victorian mysteries, so the stage was all set to be captivated - if you’ll pardon the pun... Read More…
How Long is a Piece of String?
25/08/15 00:17 Filed in: Newchapel News Articles | Music

For the Summer Edition of our little village magazine, in my role as private music tutor, I attempt to answer to question ever present on a new pupil's lips: 'How long will it take?" It's an impossible question but I do my best in my usual article… Read More…
Gingerbread House

Bricklaying, pointing and gardening definitely need more practise. My first Youtube video shows me decorating a Gingerbread house.
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WI Trip to Rudyard Lake
20/08/15 13:33 Filed in: Family | Women's Institute

What else would induce you to spend a cold and rainy evening on the water at Rudyard Lake? A Women's Institute summer trip out! Read More…
Riding and Research
18/08/15 16:06 Filed in: Motorbikes | Writing and Books

A trip to Manchester City Art Gallery happily combined with a ride on Wiggins, our Triumph Bonneville counted as a morning's work. Oh the freelance lifestyle! Read More…
Oh, Just Get Lost!
12/08/15 12:51 Filed in: Family | Motorbikes

Make hay while the sun shines. One of the joys of being self employed is that now and again you can just get lost! We needed to go to the Post Office and by some strange twist of fate got very lost on the return journey… accidentally… on purpose… Read More…
New eBook on the horizon
04/08/15 19:25 Filed in: Music | Writing and Books

My new eBook is on the very near horizon. It's a sort of 'Memoirs of a Music Tutor' written as a series of letters. Here is an extract to give you a taste of things to come. I've really enjoyed writing it, I hope you enjoy reading it… Read More…