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Sharon Bill Music Tutor & Author

That's me - to a 'Tea' ...

Flute music and tea stains - it kind of says it all!

I was rummaging through my music shelves (as is my wont during a holiday period) and thought I'd give Mozart's Rondo in D major for flute a blow. The flute score is usually tucked inside the piano accompaniment and when I pulled my music out to play I found that it was covered in tea stain. I realised that it's quite some years since I last played this properly and I obviously haven't changed much at all over those years - a brew never being far away. It's still my custom to take a cup of tea into the practice room (playing being such thirsty work) but it seems that at some point the brew lubricated the music in a more literal fashion than I'd have preferred. Sorry about that Mozart!