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Sharon Bill Music Tutor & Author

ABRSM Music Theory Lessons with Sharon Bill - Update 24th April 2022

I’m back at my desk and I wanted to show you what I’ve been up to. I’m progressing through the Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory - the first three chapters are now on my Patreon Channel. I also wanted to show you which videos have been scheduled onto my YouTube channel this last week, and what lessons will be scheduled next week.

So you can get a taste of my music theory lessons, I’ve added a selection of sample lessons at the end of this video. You can see samples of lessons in ABRSM Grades 1, 2, 3 and 5 - it’s just as if you are sitting next to me as you work through the questions. Enjoy your studies!

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New ABRSM Music Theory Lessons with Sharon Bill

I’m pleased to announce that all the ABRSM Grade 2 Discovering Music Theory lessons are now available on my Patreon Channel. This means that all of the lessons for Grades 1, 2 and 5 are now available to access in long format lessons, with chapter divisions marking the beginning of each new section. I work through every single exercise, just as if I were sitting next to you.

I’m busy working away to get ABRSM Discovering Music Theory grades 3 and 4 ready to follow quickly onto my Patreon channel. These lessons will then be followed by a launch of the advanced theory lessons, for which I will start with ABRSM Music Theory grade 6 and will then follow on with Grade 8 and then Grade 7.

Keep those pencils sharpened and enjoy your studies.

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Thank you! New ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Videos and New Patrons - Sharon Bill

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement and for your support. Your kindness and generosity is really motivating me to crack on working through the ABRSM Discovering Music Theory series.

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Is Music FUN? - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog

“How can I make practising scales more fun?” and “How can I make my music practice fun?” are questions that I keep seeing on social media. The main question here is, ‘should music practice be fun?’ I guess it depends upon how you define the word ‘fun’. It’s definitely rewarding, satisfying - and enjoyable, for sure. But I’m not sure ‘fun’ is the most helpful word if we are looking for success in our achievement goals.