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Sharon Bill Music Tutor & Author

Writing Bureau Shabby Chic Upcycle Furniture DIY Project with Chopin and Haydn Sheet Music by Sharon Bill

This was a house warming present for my daughter and her hubby after their wedding. The music used has a special significance for both my daughter and I: The Chopin Waltzes belonged to our mutual friend who was piano teacher to us both and the Haydn choral music belonged to this same friend's mum who was in a choir that we were all members of. As such the scribbled notes on the scores bring back memories of old practising and performances.

I have to admit that this is my favourite project. The bureau cost £10 and it took 10 hours to complete the project - I love it!

For the record, I don't rip music up until I'm sure it won't ever be played or sung again. In both the choral and the piano music each edition has been updated my subsequent new editions and will no longer be appropriate for performance. Nevertheless the music lives on!