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Sharon Bill Music Tutor & Author

Happy New Year

I'm not really one for New Year's Resolutions per se, but I do like the opportunity for re-focusing that a new year brings. I've got ahead of the game and started to get organised on Christmas Day!

Christmas was a very busy time for most of us. Although for some it's a time for relaxing and a time for family, for many of us at home it means we're working double-time. We did however get the luxury of Christmas Day at home together. One of the joys of having a 'grown up' family is that we can take it easy. A slow start gave Christmas a gentle pace which continued throughout the day.

By the evening however I was chomping at the bit for something productive to do. My daughter and I got the craft stuff out and even my hubby joined us in making next year's Christmas cards. The moral dilemma was, 'Is it too early to take the Christmas cards down and chop them up?' I decided that, as I'd be packing them all away very soon anyway (I'm never one to like the decs hanging around after Christmas) it was ok to go mad with the guillotine…

I decided to jump the queue for the New Year's resolutions rush and got organised early - all the cards are made and ready to go for next year now! The rest of the holidays will be spent tidying and organising ready to start the year - with the odd trip out with time as a family to make the most of the holiday period.